Are you eager to decorate your home with the 20th-century rugs and carpets? Are you in search of the best Vintage Kilim Rugs providers in the country? Kilim Rugs Store stands as an epitome among the best kilim rug providers. The term “vintage” applies to the rugs that belong to the era starting from the middle of the 20th century to the 1970s. These rugs might also come under the category of antique rugs. Even though we are located in the United States, we deliver our products in the several other countries, too.
What are Vintage Rugs?
As mentioned earlier, vintage rugs belong to the era starting from the 1920s to 1970s. They reflect the art and science of the mid 20th century that give a strong sensory experience to the environment and change the interior look of a house.
The 21st-century art has taken a strong influence from the vintage art and craft. The Vintage Kilim Rugs featured the old geometric designs, erratic folk-art and colorful decorations that can also be seen in the latest rug designs. France and Europe were the two main countries where the manufacturing of vintage rugs started that later on spread throughout the world and laid the foundation of modern rug art.
Our Story in Brief
We have been in the business of rug making for many years now. Our current brother-sister duo business was started by our dad when he was only fourteen years old. At that time, he worked in a small family without any capital and actual space. Since then he has got his hands on vintage and antique rugs that he preserved so well. After reaching the age twenty one, he got capable of buying a store and his dreams came true. He then owned this business and it began flourishing. However, I and my brother were sent to the United States from Turkey to study and have a purpose in life, but our hearts were stuck back in Turkey. We badly missed our family and the kilim business. We realized we had taken that antique art for granted and that
was the moment we decided to take the Turkish culture to the United States and inaugurated the Kilim Rug Store.
How Do We Work?
We do carry five decades old carpets and rugs at our store that have been kept under all the precautionary measures to maintain its quality. The rugs that belonged to that time are unique and special that’s why they are more expensive than those we make ourselves. However, you won’t find the original Vintage Kilim Rugs elsewhere, and even if you do, our prices are still cheaper than the rest.
However, we also copy those old vintage kilim designs and make new ones to look akin to the older rugs. Our designers make only handmade rugs with natural fabrics including cotton, silk, and wool. The dyes we use in our products are of high-quality that last for a long time. As a result, they give you a beautiful home design that perfectly suits the interior home design for 2017.
Moreover, you may also refer to our home design catalog for ideas and selection. However, if you need some expert advice, you can also come to our home design consultants who will give you the best ideas to give a modern interior look to your home by using old fashioned rugs and carpets.
Meta Description: We aim to provide you with the best quality Turkish Vintage Kilim Rugswhich are prestigious enough to give a new look to your interior décor.